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Over a Decade of Proven Results – Now on the Health Industry Fast track

Jaren Smith

CEO & Founder

  • ICU RN
  • Type 1 Diabetic
  • Creator and manager of the Heroic Health curriculum for diabetic and pre-diabetic kids, adults, and general health and wellness for all kids

Scott Dow


  • Education entrepreneur
  • Founder of Heroic Game Day – the world leading kid-driven, game-based life-skills learning platform for K-6 kids

Dr Tom Reed

Chief Academic Officer

  • Former Teacher, Principal, Superintendent and State Dept of Education executive
  • Founder of Heroic Ohio LLC – the marketing and implementation partner of Heroic Game Day public school program


Joshua J. Neumiller

President Elect – American
Diabetes Association, PharmD, CDCES, FADCES, FASCP

Dr. Joshua Neumiller is an Allen I. White Distinguished Associate Professor
and the Vice Chair of the Department of Pharmacotherapy at Washington
State University. He is also the President-Elect Of Health Care & Education at the American Diabetes Association, where he uses his expertise to influence
standards of care for people living with diabetes around the world.

Marc-Aurel Martial

Marc-Aurel Martial is an experienced public and global health nurse
scientist, entrepreneur, educator, and philanthropist. He is dedicated to
enhancing the health and well-being of vulnerable populations, as evidenced
by his implementation of sustainable and culturally appropriate initiatives
that address social determinants of health. He is the founder and Board of
Trustees Chair of the Haiti Health Initiative, which seeks to “improve the
overall health and well-being of rural Haitians, one community at a time.” He
is now excitedly sharing his public health experience with Heroic Diabetes.

Mark Heyman

Mark Heyman is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in mental
health aspects Of living With type I diabetes. He seeks to ensure people With
Tl D have the mental health support they need to live active lives without
letting Tl D get in the way, and he has made significant progress at ensuring
mental health support is accessible to every person living with Type 1

Anou Singhvi

Partner – Ange/ Physicians Fund
Anou represents the Angel Physicians Fund and has helped promote Heroic Diabetes to a growing number of partners. She has provided feedback for
spreading the platform to an international audience.